Jun 12 2006
You are not a ‘real’ Java developer until…
- You had to use JDK 1.3 on a real project. In 2006.
- You had to use JDK 1.3 on a real project because you had to use some ancient version of WebSphere. In 2006. And you were already wondering who might ever want to use WebSphere back when JDK 1.3 was bleeding edge...
You wanted to kill Java because it makes you do
- And half of the time it doesn't work.
- Over time, you've used 15+ different ways to read-in a file from the context path. And most of the time you had to spend half a day to make it work.
- You missed Generics with a passion after you had to work with a JDK < 1.5 for a while.
- You have your own start up just because you want to use Ruby instead of Java.
- You feel better for yourself when you hear that many people still use Struts.
- You try not to think that every single other programming language around these days opens, reads, and closes a file handle in three lines of code.
- You feel old when you consider that a native method that gets the free disk space on your hard drive has been requested eight years ago and it's almost here now...
- You have over-enginered Java code a dozen times to create functionality that resembles Ruby Code Blocks and Mix-ins.
- You have to come up with an interesting use for Annotations, like it wasn't bad enough already...
- Feel free to add your own...